Web Sites
My Web Sites
Unfortunately, most of the web sites or pages I build for work are transitory landing pages for specific promotions, or preference pages for subscribers that require personal information to access. However, I have built a number of web sites of my own over the last 20 years. For a while, I even earned a living from them.
Although now largely relegated to the status of hobbies, these sites along with several others did provide me a living for several years, and are still one of the main the vehicles through which I continue to explore, develop and refine my skills.

The site was updated in mid-2020 to a static site built with Hugo, which automates related content and updates. Menus are drivien with a static JSON data object and JQuery. A Vue component is used to retrieve nutrition data from the U.S. FDA API for some items.

Like almost all of my sites now, this guide to scuba diving around the world is now built with Hugo and hosted on Render.

This is a personal blog that's primarily a book review site. It started out in WordPress, moved to October and then became my first public Vue app. Early in 2020 I tried out the static site generator Hugo and found that it fit the bill a lot better for my needs for this site. Even though new blog posts require the site to be republished, Hugo is so fast it only takes a minute or two to regenerate it and deploy the changes to Render hosting.